I was lucky enough to move into a home with a well established rose garden. Unfortunately, a few gardeners over the years felt that there were too many roses and tore some bushes out without permission. I still grieve those bushes, but they are currently growing back thanks to their strong-willed nature, and I have a deep appreciation for the bushes that are 20+ years old and thriving. These beautiful flowers absolutely feel like the needed medicine right now. Spending time with them every day has been healing for me and my daughters on every level. I make sure to gift them to everyone who comes over to visit, and I make sure they are placed throughout my home continuously in various vases located on various altars. You've inspired me to write about them more in depth, and I've been praying for that sort of inspiration this week. Thank you for your beautiful share 🌹.

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"We aren’t going to make it as a species, I don’t think, without falling back in to the heart with all that we are." !!!!!!!!

Ah Sylvia!! It's been a while I don't sit here to read you (and I really missed it!) but these past two days I was filled with bald reading you again.

I've been traveling and thought a lot about roses, bees, Mary, hearts ... and that's exactly what I found here yesterday and today in your beloved words!

So thank you! Once more haha I always need to thank you after reading you! Always a present, a balm, a blessing!

Hope you're doing fine and great! Sending you love!

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